An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> texto  [in template "20098#20124#9872453" at line 112, column 42]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #if validator.isNotNull(texto.getData())  [in template "20098#20124#9872453" at line 112, column 17]
1<#assign dataGenericTagVal = ""> 
2<#if dataGenericTag??> 
3    <#assign dataGenericTagVal = dataGenericTag.getData()> 
6<#assign dataProdNameVal = ""> 
7<#if dataProdName??> 
8    <#assign dataProdNameVal = dataProdName.getData()> 
11<#assign dataProdIdVal = ""> 
12<#if dataProdId??> 
13    <#assign dataProdIdVal = dataProdId.getData()> 
16<#assign dataProdCategoryVal = ""> 
17<#if dataProdCategory??> 
18    <#assign dataProdCategoryVal = dataProdCategory.getData()> 
22<#assign dataProdProcesoVal = ""> 
23<#if dataProdProceso??> 
24    <#assign dataProdProcesoVal = dataProdProceso.getData()> 
27<#assign dataProdDetailVal = ""> 
28<#if dataProdDetail?? && dataProdDetail.getData() == "true"> 
29    <#assign dataProdDetailVal = "data-prod-detail"> 
32<#assign ctaDataGenericTagVal = ""> 
33<#if ctaDataGenericTag??> 
34    <#assign ctaDataGenericTagVal = ctaDataGenericTag.getData()> 
38<#assign dataCtaTipoVal = ""> 
39<#if dataCtaTipo??> 
40    <#assign dataCtaTipoVal = dataCtaTipo.getData()> 
44<#assign dataCtaPosicionVal = ""> 
45<#if dataCtaPosicion??> 
46    <#assign dataCtaPosicionVal = dataCtaPosicion.getData()> 
50<#assign dataCtaProductoVal = ""> 
51<#if dataCtaProducto??> 
52    <#assign dataCtaProductoVal = dataCtaProducto.getData()> 
56<#assign dataProdCartVal = ""> 
57<#if dataProdCart?? && dataProdCart.getData() == "true"> 
58    <#assign dataProdCartVal = "data-prod-cart"> 
61<#if estructura?? && (estructura.getData()) == "primary">    
62    <div class="ibd-hero-banner2-primary"  data-generic-tag="${dataGenericTagVal}" data-prod-name="${dataProdNameVal}" data-prod-id="${dataProdIdVal}" data-prod-category="${dataProdCategoryVal}" data-prod-proceso="${dataProdProcesoVal}"  ${dataProdDetailVal}> 
63        <#if textoOferta?? && validator.isNotNull(textoOferta.getData())> 
64            <div class="sticky"> 
65                <span>${textoOferta.getData()}</span> 
66            </div> 
67        </#if> 
68        <div class="banner"> 
69            <div class="card"> 
70                <#if validator.isNotNull(titulo.getData())> 
71                    <h1 class="ibd-hero-banner__titulo">${titulo.getData()}</h1> 
72                </#if> 
73                <#if validator.isNotNull(subtitulo.getData())> 
74                    <p class="ibd-hero-banner__subtitulo">${subtitulo.getData()}</p> 
75                </#if> 
76                <#if validator.isNotNull(textoBoton.getData())> 
77                    <#if ((textoBoton.getData())?? && (enlaceBoton.getData())?? )> 
78                        <a href="${enlaceBoton.getData()}"  data-generic-tag="${ctaDataGenericTagVal}"  data-cta-tipo="${dataCtaTipoVal}" data-cta-posicion="${dataCtaPosicionVal}" data-cta-producto="${dataCtaProductoVal}"  ${dataProdCartVal}>${textoBoton.getData()}</a> 
79                    </#if> 
80                </#if> 
81            </div> 
82            <div class="image"> 
83                <#if (imagen.getData())?? && imagen.getData() != ""> 
84                    <img class="ibd-hero-banner2__bg-img" alt="${imagen.getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${imagen.getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${imagen.getData()}" /> 
85                </#if> 
86            </div> 
87            <div class="image-mob"> 
88                <#if (imagenMob.getData())?? && imagenMob.getData() != ""> 
89                    <img class="ibd-hero-banner2__bg-img" alt="${imagenMob.getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${imagenMob.getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${imagenMob.getData()}" /> 
90                <#elseif (imagen.getData())?? && imagen.getData() != ""> 
91                    <img class="ibd-hero-banner2__bg-img" alt="${imagen.getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${imagen.getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${imagen.getData()}" /> 
92                </#if> 
93            </div> 
94        </div> 
95    </div> 
97<#elseif estructura?? && (estructura.getData()) == "secondary"> 
98    <div class="ibd-hero-banner2-secondary"  data-generic-tag="${dataGenericTagVal}" data-prod-name="${dataProdNameVal}" data-prod-id="${dataProdIdVal}" data-prod-category="${dataProdCategoryVal}" data-prod-proceso="${dataProdProcesoVal}"  ${dataProdDetailVal}> 
99        <div class="banner"> 
100         <#if textoOferta?? && validator.isNotNull(textoOferta.getData())> 
101            <div class="sticky"> 
102                <span>${textoOferta.getData()}</span> 
103            </div> 
104        </#if> 
105            <div class="card"> 
106                <#if validator.isNotNull(titulo.getData())> 
107                    <h1 class="ibd-hero-banner__titulo">${titulo.getData()}</h1> 
108                </#if> 
109                <#if validator.isNotNull(subtitulo.getData())> 
110                    <p class="ibd-hero-banner__subtitulo">${subtitulo.getData()}</p> 
111                </#if> 
112                <#if validator.isNotNull(texto.getData())> 
113                    <p class="ibd-hero-banner__texto">${texto.getData()}</p> 
114                </#if> 
115                <#if validator.isNotNull(textoBoton.getData())> 
116                    <#if ((textoBoton.getData())?? && (enlaceBoton.getData())?? )> 
117                        <a href="${enlaceBoton.getData()}"  data-generic-tag="${ctaDataGenericTagVal}"  data-cta-tipo="${dataCtaTipoVal}" data-cta-posicion="${dataCtaPosicionVal}" data-cta-producto="${dataCtaProductoVal}"  ${dataProdCartVal}>${textoBoton.getData()}</a> 
118                    </#if> 
119                </#if> 
120            </div> 
121            <div class="ibd-hero-banner2__image2"> 
122                <#if (imagen.getData())?? && imagen.getData() != ""> 
123                    <img class="ibd-hero-banner2__bg-img" alt="${imagen.getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${imagen.getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${imagen.getData()}" /> 
124                </#if> 
125            </div> 
126            <div class="ibd-hero-banner2__image-mob2"> 
127                <#if (imagenMob.getData())?? && imagenMob.getData() != ""> 
128                    <img class="ibd-hero-banner2__bg-img" alt="${imagenMob.getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${imagenMob.getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${imagenMob.getData()}" /> 
129                <#elseif (imagen.getData())?? && imagen.getData() != ""> 
130                    <img class="ibd-hero-banner2__bg-img" alt="${imagen.getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${imagen.getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${imagen.getData()}" /> 
131                </#if> 
132            </div> 
133        </div> 
134    </div> 
135<#elseif estructura?? && (estructura.getData()) == "product"> 
136<div class="ibd-hero-banner2-product"  data-generic-tag="${dataGenericTagVal}" data-prod-name="${dataProdNameVal}" data-prod-id="${dataProdIdVal}" data-prod-category="${dataProdCategoryVal}" data-prod-proceso="${dataProdProcesoVal}"  ${dataProdDetailVal}> 
137        <#if textoOferta?? && validator.isNotNull(textoOferta.getData())> 
138            <div class="sticky"> 
139                <span>${textoOferta.getData()}</span> 
140            </div> 
141        </#if> 
142        <div class="banner"> 
143            <div class="ibd-hero-banner__card"> 
144                <#if validator.isNotNull(titulo.getData())> 
145                    <h1 class="ibd-hero-banner__titulo">${titulo.getData()}</h1> 
146                </#if> 
147                <#if validator.isNotNull(subtitulo.getData())> 
148                    <p class="ibd-hero-banner__subtitulo">${subtitulo.getData()}</p> 
149                </#if> 
151            </div> 
152            <!--lista y boton--> 
153            <div class="ibd-hero-banner__lista"> 
154                <#if caracteristicaProduct?? && caracteristicaProduct.getData()??> 
155                <#assign iconCheck = caracteristicaProduct.icon.getData()/>  
156                <ul> 
157                    <#list caracteristicaProduct.caracteristica.getSiblings() as auxCarac> 
158                        <div> 
159                            <img src="${iconCheck}" alt="Icono roto"> 
160                            <span>${auxCarac.getData()}</span> 
161                        </div> 
162                    </#list> 
163                </ul> 
164                </#if> 
165                <#if validator.isNotNull(textoBoton.getData())> 
166                    <#if ((textoBoton.getData())?? && (enlaceBoton.getData())?? )> 
167                        <a href="${enlaceBoton.getData()}"  data-generic-tag="${ctaDataGenericTagVal}"  data-cta-tipo="${dataCtaTipoVal}" data-cta-posicion="${dataCtaPosicionVal}" data-cta-producto="${dataCtaProductoVal}"  ${dataProdCartVal}>${textoBoton.getData()}</a> 
168                    </#if> 
169                </#if>  
170            </div> 
171            <!--Imagenes--> 
172            <div class="ibd-hero-banner2__image2"> 
173                <#if (imagen.getData())?? && imagen.getData() != ""> 
174                    <img class="ibd-hero-banner2__bg-img" alt="${imagen.getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${imagen.getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${imagen.getData()}" /> 
175                </#if> 
176            </div> 
177            <div class="ibd-hero-banner2__image-mob2"> 
178                <#if (imagenMob.getData())?? && imagenMob.getData() != ""> 
179                    <img class="ibd-hero-banner2__bg-img" alt="${imagenMob.getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${imagenMob.getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${imagenMob.getData()}" /> 
180                <#elseif (imagen.getData())?? && imagen.getData() != ""> 
181                    <img class="ibd-hero-banner2__bg-img" alt="${imagen.getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${imagen.getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${imagen.getData()}" /> 
182                </#if> 
183            </div> 
184        </div> 
185    </div> 
186<#elseif estructura?? && (estructura.getData()) == "simplified"> 
187    <div class="ibd-hero-banner2-simpli"  data-generic-tag="${dataGenericTagVal}" data-prod-name="${dataProdNameVal}" data-prod-id="${dataProdIdVal}" data-prod-category="${dataProdCategoryVal}" data-prod-proceso="${dataProdProcesoVal}"  ${dataProdDetailVal}> 
188        <#if textoOferta?? && validator.isNotNull(textoOferta.getData())> 
189            <div class="sticky"> 
190                <span>${textoOferta.getData()}</span> 
191            </div> 
192        </#if> 
193        <div class="banner"> 
194            <div class="card"> 
195                <#if validator.isNotNull(titulo.getData())> 
196                    <h1 class="ibd-hero-banner__titulo">${titulo.getData()}</h1> 
197                </#if> 
198            </div> 
199            <div class="image"> 
200                <#if (imagen.getData())?? && imagen.getData() != ""> 
201                    <img class="ibd-hero-banner2__bg-img" alt="${imagen.getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${imagen.getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${imagen.getData()}" /> 
202                </#if> 
203            </div> 
204            <div class="image-mob"> 
205                <#if (imagenMob.getData())?? && imagenMob.getData() != ""> 
206                    <img class="ibd-hero-banner2__bg-img" alt="${imagenMob.getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${imagenMob.getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${imagenMob.getData()}" /> 
207                <#elseif (imagen.getData())?? && imagen.getData() != ""> 
208                    <img class="ibd-hero-banner2__bg-img" alt="${imagen.getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${imagen.getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${imagen.getData()}" /> 
209                </#if> 
210            </div> 
211        </div> 
212    </div> 

Important notice

Due to the weather conditions that have hit Valencia, Iberdrola's home care services for customers in the affected geographical areas are being disrupted. We are working in the most affected areas, despite the difficulties of access due to the condition of the roads.

In addition, we are prioritising the most urgent care and resources from other areas are being deployed to help normalise the situation as soon as possible. Given these circumstances, we ask our customers for their understanding regarding the possible delays that may occur in the provision of our services.



Antivirus, Parental Controls and Cloud Storage

Install the most comprehensive, advanced control tools on your PC or Smartphone for up to 5 Devices and 10GB of cloud capacity


No waiting time tre

We will deal with your urgent electrical faults within just three hours from your call.

Peace of mind

Help and support

We take care of everything: your repairs, covered up to €300 per year.

Icono PDF Service Terms and Conditions

Indirect taxes: VAT (21%) for mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands. For the Canary Islands the IGIC (7%) would apply and for Ceuta and Melilla the IPSI (4%).


Do you have any questions?

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions

¿Qué es?

With the Iberdrola Pack, your electrical installation and kitchen appliances and TV will be covered for electrical and/or electronic faults. A qualified technician will visit your home to repair them. We cover all repair costs (travel, labour and parts) up to €550 for the electrical installation and €300 per electrical appliance per year and without any limits on the work carried out. If the appliance is not repairable for any justifiable reason, we will compensate you with up to €300 per appliance, depending on its age.

Breakdown of your bill's consumption listed by categories and appliances. Estimated electricity consumption broken down, with a high degree of accuracy, based on your home's real hourly electricity consumption measured with the smart meter and a mathematical algorithm. Detailed evolution of your consumption history in € and kWh. Monthly report with summary of expenses and consumption on the APP and custom notifications. Detailed evolution of your consumption history in € and kWh. Monthly report with summary of expenses and consumption on the APP and custom notifications.

It also includes an energy diagnosis every four years, in which a specialised technician will analyse the data and consumption habits of your home and thus identify all your savings opportunities.

In addition, with the Electrical DIY service you will have an annual intervention by a qualified technician, including travel costs and up to 3 hours of labour. With this service you can change any electrical device (sockets, switches...), lamps or wall lights, install electrical appliances or even configure technological equipment such as your new Smart TV or your children's console.

With Essential Payment Protection insurance, your electricity contract bills will be insured in the event of temporary disability or hospitalisation, absolute and permanent disability or death, up to a maximum of €600. Coverage depends on your age and employment status as indicated in the terms and conditions. In the event of a claim, you will not have to pay anything for the bills of the insured electricity contract until the amount of the compensation has been used up.

And now with Digital Home, protect your devices against viruses and malware, set parental controls, monitor your bank cards and emails for potential vulnerabilities, and get reports on your online presence. In addition, we offer 24/7 comprehensive technical support and assistance for home automation devices, optimising your connectivity and ensuring an efficient digital experience.

The categories your electricity consumption is broken down into have the following household appliances/devices included in them:

  • Always on: all the household devices and appliances in standby mode.
  • Kitchen: hob, fryer, kettle, microwave, grill, oven, toaster.
  • Air conditioning: air conditioner, fan.
  • Electric vehicle: electric vehicle.
  • Heating: central heating, combi boiler, electric boiler.
  • Entertainment: sound system, computer, console, TV decoder, telephone, TV, WiFi router.
  • Washing machine and dishwasher: washing machine, dishwasher and dryer.
  • Lighting: compact fluorescent bulb, discharge lamp, LEDs, fluorescent lamp, bulb.
  • Other appliances/devices: alarm, charger, hair dryer, iron, smoke detector, vacuum cleaner.
  • Fridge/Freezer: fridge, freezer, wine cooler.
  • Heating: immersion heater, shower, hot water pump, hot water.


The electricity used by your household is broken down into different categories.

The Smart Assistant uses a mathematical algorithm that combines statistics, the user consumption curve and a housing profile entered by the customer to calculate all consumptions over the total.

Always-on consumption usually accounts for 20-25% of total household energy consumption. It includes all the devices and electrical appliances in standby mode.

See here for some tips on how to reduce this type of energy usage while lengthening the useful life of your appliances and devices:

  • Analyse the standby consumption of devices in the purchasing process. Manufacturers provide this information to the consumer, so we can include standby consumption in the decision on whether to buy the device.
  • Use power strips with switches to turn off all the devices and charges at the same time.
  • Use timers to switch certain devices off at certain times when they will not be used, or to turn them on when you are coming home. You will save electricity by switching them off for part of the time.
  • Use special power strips with a standby eliminator.


No, it is not necessary.

The data shown are those that have been validated by your Distribution company, so until we receive these data, we cannot process them. Normally this process takes 3 to 6 days, so we often do not have information for the days just prior to the current one.

Signing up

Any residential customer. It is compulsory to have an electricity supply contract with Iberdrola Clientes.

You can sign up by calling us on 900 22 45 22, or if you prefer, by visiting your nearest service point.

You can also sign up for it using our app or website.

The term of the contract will be one (1) year, automatically renewable for consecutive annual periods unless the customer communicates otherwise fifteen (15) days prior to the end of each period.


You can request any of the services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 900 22 45 22 and you can also request the electrical appliance repair service via the app.

We will attend to urgent breakdowns of your electrical installation in less than 3 hours, repair of electrical appliances and DIY in less than 48 working hours and energy advice in 10 working days.

In the event of a claim, you must contact the insurer, MetLife, by email (, by free phone on +34 900 201 040, between 09 am and 9 pm, or by fax (+34 91 725 32 93). Metlife will process the claim and communicate, where appropriate, the compensation to Iberdrola so that it can be transferred to the insured electricity contract.

In addition, as this is a Service Pack (Domestic Appliance Protection 10, Electrical Emergencies, Smart Assistant, Payment Protection and Digital Home), the Customer may cancel one of the services that make up the Pack at any time, in which case only the selected service will remain in force.