Low voltage supply
You can find all the information to process your company's low voltage supply here.
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Everything you need to know about the connection
Here you have some FAQs to clear up any questions you might have about your connection.
It's the part of the installation that runs from the distribution grid to the general protection box(es) for low voltage supply.
Connection fees are the fee paid to the distributor to do the necessary work to process a new supply or to extend an existing one. These fees are paid by the applicant when the amount for the item is known before performing the connection.
When signing up for the supply, the customer must pay the distributor the rights of access corresponding to the contracted power, provided it does not exceed the power recognised in the installation. If the customer were to contract a higher power or extend the existing one, he/she would also pay the excess for the extension rights and access corresponding to the increase in power.
There is no reason for the city council to participate in the expenses of the connection request except if the city council itself is the applicant.
It's the review and check of the technical conditions and status of the customer's installation before connecting it.
Verification fees are paid to the distributor to review and check that the installation meets the regulatory safety and technical conditions (RD 1955/2000, article 50).
This is the operation of linking the connection to the distributor's installations to provide electrical service.
The connecting fees may be paid to the distributor to manage the operation of electrically connecting the receiving installation of the distributor's grid, who will assume liability for performing this operation (RD 1955/2000, article 50).
Extension installations are those that must be built on the existing installations to process a new supply or extend an already existing one.
The distributor that processes a new supply or the extension of an already existing one is required to build the power infrastructures needed when the supply is located on land in a city that is classified as a plot and up to a requested power of 50 kW for low voltage supplies and 250 kW for medium voltage supplies.
When the installation exceeds the power limits above, the applicant will assume the cost of the extension installation necessary and the distributor will not charge the extension fee. When the supply is requested on city land that is not classified as a plot, its owner must assume the cost of the power infrastructure necessary to acquire that condition.
On developable land, the owner will assume the cost of building the power infrastructure necessary, including the exterior supply grid and any necessary reinforcements.
The extension investments are those that must be made to build the extension installations.
Only in the case of extension fees already paid will they be attached to the installations they were paid for until the first user of the power processes their cancellation, whatever time may have elapsed.
The extension fees will only be attached to the installation for three years for low voltage supply.
Access fees will not be attached.
The maximum business days for a response in writing for low voltage supplies are:
- When a transformer station does not need to be installed: 20 days.
- Definitive service with medium voltage transformer station: 60 days.
- Definitive service with medium to high voltage transformer substation: 90 days.
The economic and technical quotes for a connection are valid for three months starting the day the quote is sent.
Maximum execution time, in 10 business days, to commission an installation once the connection fees are paid to the power company, is:
- When the low grid is not extended: 10 days.
- When only a low grid extension is needed: 50 days.
- When a transformer station needs to be built: 90 days.
- When several transformer stations need to be built: 130 days.
These terms will pause if there are any issues like a lack of permits, anomalies in the installations, works license, etc. until they are obtained.
Depending on the work to be done, they might be:
- Municipal license for inlets or channels.
- Municipal license for transformer station works.
- Third party permits to undertake the planned installation.
- Approval of the extension installation project's supplying company, since it must be directly in agreement with its officially approved standards.
Everything you need to know about signing up
Here you have some FAQs to clear up any questions you might have about signing up.
According to the current legislation, to sign a home up for electrical power supply, you have to submit the following documents:
- First occupation licence or opening licence for the first contract.
- Occupancy certificate issued by the provincial body of the Ministry of Public Works or autonomous community, or definitive rating certificate.
- Low-voltage electrical installation certificate depending on the type of supply, in triplicate copy, issued by the electrician who carried it out and stamped by the Administration's Competent Body.
- National identity document, company tax no. (CIF), tax ID no. (NIF), passport or work card.
- Property deed or lease agreement, or award letter in public promotions.
The amount of power to sign up for is the customer's decision, and should adapt to the ranges that correspond to the standardised intensities for the circuit breakers.
Customers can choose the power to sign up for, adapting it to the ranges of standardised intensities for the circuit breakers. This table shows the possible powers to sign up for in single and three-phase, depending on the intensity of the circuit breaker (CB).
Everything you need to know about tariffs
Here you have some FAQs to clear up any questions you might have about tariffs.
Electrical tariffs in Spain are made up of two parts: a power term (which depends on the power contracted and required by the customer) and an energy term (proportional to the energy consumed and measured by the meter).
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There is also a Voluntary Price for the Small Consumer (PVPC in Spanish), which is the price that results from applying the calculation established by the government and that applies to low voltage electricity consumers with less than or equal to 10 kW of power contracted that do not sign up for a commercial offer since consumers have the possibility of freely choosing their retailer.
2.0A for less than 10 kW power contracted.
2.1A for over 10 kW and less than 15 kW power contracted.
3.0A for over 15 kW power contracted.
This is a low voltage tariff option that, with the appropriate meter, allows you to obtain a discount off the price of kWh consumed only during trough hours, at night. There is a price for consumption during the day and another at night. There is also a super trough hour option that set three prices depending on the time of day the electricity is consumed, differentiating between peak, trough and super trough times.
For these supplies, the power to sign up for would be the maximum you expect to require, taking into account peak and trough hours.
The duration of each time period is detailed in this table:
Winter and summer hour changes will coincide with the official time change.
Everything you needed to know about meters
Here you have some FAQs to clear up any questions you might have about meters.
Customers and supply companies have the right to request from the relevant body the checking of the measurement and control equipment installed by them at any time and regardless of the owner. The costs of that verification and their payment are determined by the competent body.
If the verification is requested by the customer and the circuit breaker and meter are working correctly the verification will be paid by the customer. In all other cases, it will be paid by the company.
The CB or circuit breaker is a measurement and control device, not a protection device.
Everything you needed to know about billing
Here you have some FAQs to clear up any questions you might have about billing
Yes. You just have to provide them with the contract reference data and the meter's reading. The reading you do yourself can be provided online through My Client Area. If you're not registered yet, discovered all of its advantages here.
It is a fixed amount paid in each billing period (bimonthly or monthly) depending on the power contracted from being able to have the power when you want. In the case of supplies with demand meter, the power term will depend on the power contracted and the maximum power required in the billing period (monthly) and registered by the demand meter.
It is the amount paid depending on the energy consumed. If there is no reading for the billing period, this amount will be billed using an estimate, based on the supply consumption history.
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