Gas installation
Here you will find everything related to gas installations, so that you can solve all the doubts that may arise.

What do meters do?
It measures gas usage. The meter may be owned by the customer or the distribution company (in the latter case it will charge a meter rental amount whose cost is determined annually through a Ministerial Order).
The distribution company is responsible for reading the meter and provides Iberdrola with the usage reading so it can be billed.
What should I know about boilers?
A gas boiler uses gas as a fuel. Depending on their installation, gas boilers can be free-standing, whose heating value is higher, or wall-mounted, which are usually installed in the kitchen or bathroom.Gas boilers can be used for heating only, or for heating and generating domestic hot water.
Depending on their operation, performance and consumption, there are different types of boilers:
- Standard boilers: traditional operation boilers. Their performance is lower, since they need to consume more energy in order to heat the water.
- Condensing boilers: These are high-performance boilers that use the water steam produced in the combustion gases. Compared to conventional units, condensing boilers save energy and reduce carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions.
- Low-temperature boilers: These can operate continuously with a return water (not boiler) temperature below 40ºC. Their performance is lower compared to condensing boilers, but higher than in the case of standard units.
Depending on where the air used for combustion comes from, there are atmospheric gas boilers (it comes from the same room where the boiler is located) or airtight (they take the air from the outside). Airtight boilers are safer.
What should I know about heaters?
Installations with gas heaters can supply domestic hot water. The heater generates hot water which is taken through the plumbing installation to any of the supply points available in the installation, whether taps or domestic appliances.
There are two types of basic heaters, open circuit and airtight:
- Open circuit or atmosferic: they take the air needed for gas combustion from the room where they are installed and expel the gases outside through the exhaust pipe.
- Airtight: the air coming in and the discharged combustion gases do not come into contact with the room there the heater is installed. Of the two types of heaters, the sealed type is the safest because harmful gases cannot leak out, making them the safest option.
What should I know about the ventilation grille?
- You must not cover or block the ventilation in the room where the boiler/heater is located.
- Ventilation grilles must be in perfect working order. Do not block them.
- If you glaze the terrace or drying place, don't forget to open the ventilation grilles.
- The gas exhaust pipe is essential to guarantee proper operation of the appliances. Ask a specialist to install one according to regulations.