Territorial supplements
This is where you will find everything you need to know about the Territorial Supplements that apply in some autonomous communities.

What are Territorial Suplements?
Who does it affect?
How is the amount to be billed calculated?
When and how is this amount billed?
Royal Decree-Law 20/2012, of 13 July 2012, on measures to ensure budgetary stability and on encouraging competitiveness, establishes that taxes on activities or facilities used for the supply of electricity are payable by consumers located in the relevant autonomous region, and that the access fee will include a regional supplement that must be paid by consumers in those regions.
This was followed, on 26/01/2017, by the publication of ETU/35/2017, providing for regional supplements in some Autonomous Regions. In 2017 and 2018, customers in Catalonia, La Rioja, Castilla-La Mancha and Valencia Region were rebilled for the regional electricity access tariffs for 2013 in these Regions.
Finally, on 6/3/2019, Order TEC/271/2019 was published, establishing regional supplements in the Autonomous Regions of Andalusia, Aragón, Principality of Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León, Catalonia, Extremadura, Galicia, Madrid, the Murcia Region and Navarra, for electricity access tariffs for the year 2013, establishing the settlement procedure for regional supplements.
The situation described is specific to 2013, since subsequently, Decree-Law 20/2012, Law 24/2013 on the Electricity Sector introduced changes in the regulation of these aspects.
Customers whose point of supply is in the aforementioned Autonomous Regions, who had electricity supply agreements in force in 2013.
- Regardless of the retailer from which the consumer received the supply.
- Regardless of the voltage or rate subscribed.
It may be that in 2013 the customer had a contract with a different retailer. However, under the rule, the 2013 Regional Supplement will be billed and collected by your current retailer.
If, during the adjustment period:
- There is a change of contract holder, the remaining amount from the last bill will be charged.
- If the point of supply is cancelled, the remaining amount in the last bill will be invoiced.
- If there is a change of retailer: the new retailer will continue with the adjustment process.
This will not apply to supply points that have changed ownership or have been cancelled since 31 December 2013.
The amounts to be invoiced consist of the difference between the access fee included in bills issued in 2013 and the new amount of these access fees with the addition of the Regional Supplement. This is different for each Autonomous Region.
The amounts are calculated by the electricity distributor of the area where the supply point is located, who transfers them to the retailer (in the access bill), who bills the customer for them.
Billing of the Regional Supplement started on 6 September 2019 (six months after the enactment of Ministerial Order TEC/271/2019) and will be implemented as follows:
- Amounts payable by each consumer which, net of tax, are below or equal to €2 will be invoiced in a single bill.
- If the net amount is more than €2, this will be divided into equal parts of more than €1 in bills issued within a maximum of twelve months, starting with the first adjustment.
Each bill that includes this item will include all the necessary information at the bottom of the bill, in the 'additional information' section.
As always, if necessary, you will be provided with a payment plan so that you can pay the amount due in these bills in instalments at no extra cost. If you wish to do so, you can apply through any of our customer service channels.
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