Find out what the purchase and sale of co2 emission rights means

Under the National Plan for the Allocation of CO2 emission rights, around 1,100 Spanish companies (12,000 in the European Union) operating in energy-intensive sectors (power stations, steelworks, cement works, refineries, glassworks, etc.) receive marketable quotas to emit CO2 into the atmosphere (under the Kyoto Protocol).

In addition, the Spanish Sustainability Observatory (CSE), together with the Ministry of the Environment, set in motion a Voluntary Commitments System to reduce CO2 emissions. The aim is to encourage an annual reduction of at least 1 million tons of CO2 in diffuse sectors (transport, residential, commercial, institutional, waste and agriculture) through voluntary actions carried out by companies and the private sector.

The CO2 emission rights purchase and sale system was created to enable companies to comply with the Protocol against climate change.

If at the end of the year the companies affected by these regulations exceed the rights assigned, they can buy the ones they need and sell their excess rights on a market similar to the stock exchange.

Iberdrola offers its customers the possibility of purchasing and/or selling emission rights (EUAs) through individual contracts stipulating the unit price of the EUAs, their number and the payment conditions.

The customer can forget about processing and management, as Iberdrola takes care of that task.

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